Thursday, December 22, 2011

Places to advertise classifieds online free, courtesy of Empower Network Salt Lake City Utah

For Building relationships we deliver value - so they will know us like us trust us - The best advertising results come from doing consistent actions over time, making a habit of being productive”...... Don Lewis

Advertise Advertise Advertise - then Deliver Value - which builds relationships.
People buy from people that they like, and they come back for good value.  Empower Network Salt Lake City Utah brings you this list of places or sites to advertise classifieds online completely free.

To do some consistent free advertising online is to DAILY open up the following free classified ads sites, and post your latest product or service offer daily.
Of course, you will also post one totally unique original blog post daily.
You can see my blog at
Always include a link to your blog at the bottom of each classified ad.

After you place each new classified ad, copy the unique URL for that ad, and add the URL to to an accumulating list so that you can include it in your blog and in the description for your YouTube video for that same product. This is what gets you to the top of the Google search box results in natural rankings.

Here are some good online free classified advertising sites:
( suggestion, open each one of these in its own Google Chrome Tab all at once, and also open your own email and blog, and then go to Tools - Options - On Startup - “ Use Current Pages “ )

Places to advertise free classifieds ads online:

Important tip, keep a list of each of the individual URLs of your own specific ads for each particular product or service that you are advertising, and then put that list of specifically related classified ad links and blog posts into the description below your YouTube video which is promoting that same product or service. This helps your search engine seo results.  Use this list of places to advertise classifieds online free, DAILY.  This list comes to you as a courtesy of Empower Network Salt Lake City Utah.   Empower Network is seeking people who want to earn money, working on the computer from home.  You will be blogging and writing articles for publication on the worldwide internet.   Many specialties needed.   Click here:

Skype FlashCrowd

Enter your email here:

Watch this video:

Enroll here now:

I am having some new thoughts, maybe even a breakthrough today. I am listening to a video online and it has finally dawned on me, it has finally clicked in my mind. Empower Network's videos shown below, do all the selling for me and they can do all the selling for new subscribers for you too, just the same. All I have to do is to invite you to actually watch them. Cool. Wow. The speaker on this video was living in Dodge Caravan in 2009 in Hawaii and now he makes over $30,000.00 average per month online. This month he has made over $100,000.00 doing this. He is sharing the secrets and methods of how to do it right now in this video and blogging platform at
and at

Your next step is to simply watch this video now

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